Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cafe Tropicale type of morning

Due to lack of groceries in the house this morning, we made a quick stop by way of Cafe Tropicale to pick up a chocolate croissant and breakfast sandwich, with a side of coffee and hot chocolate. I love how their hot chocolate has cinnamon in it!

Seriously, though, if you don't get there super early in the morning, good luck getting a croissant or croissant sandwich. They are always out! Sad. However, they usually have chocolate croissants or their awesome guava cheese phyllo things.

Also, there was a strange "Welcome to Arizona!" type advertisement with a cut-out to put your head (to look like you were white water rafting) over by Tom's burgers. Fascinating. Must check out later.

Anyways, swung by Bailers Hardware and art store for some quick painting supplies- those two places are the best, seriously! The guys at Bailers Hardware totally know me I've been in there so often recently. Of course, could be because I'm a cute blonde. Hrm. Either one. But I love still having a neighborhood hardware store to go to and ask people for help. Feels so much nicer than having to go to Home Depot or the such.  (same goes for the Art Store- their canvases are SO cheap. I was drooling over their large scale canvases... planning on an art show later this spring- checking out prices!)

And just to top the afternoon off, saw a brilliant double rainbow over Glendale as I was heading out towards the 5 from Los Feliz. GORGEOUS!

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