Monday, February 16, 2009

Lazy Sunday, busy weekend!

Quick update on Friday night- after a quick dinner at Alegria on Sunset , we went out and checked out Secret Headquarter's BEASTS Show , which was great! Got there at 10 (which was the closing time- was afraid it'd be over), but the place was packed and had people milling around and talking for at least another 45 minutes.  Also grabbed a copy of Robert Goodin 's latest comic (The Man Who Loved Breasts)- alas, I missed his Monsters opening at SH the weekend before, but I got to say hi to him friday night!

Headed on over to Thinkspace to catch the tail end of Amy Crehore's Dreamgirls and Ukes exhibit , which was beautiful. Definitely worth checking out- her stuff is just exquisite. The hand painted ukeleles were gorgeous in their variety of makes and themes, and the collection of paintings complemented the ukes very well.

Today was a wonderful post-Valentines day Sunday!  (We really celebrated Valentines day today, since actual valentine's day was spent sick in bed with migrane : P ). We meandered down to Madame Matisse , where we gorged on their specials of "Chef's Revenge" (plate full of ... everything? scrambled together) and.. get this... FRIED waffle with tres leche glaze.

That was a dessert, people, not breakfast. It was like eating funnel cake. With a tres leche glaze. Divine! Soo amazingly good.

For dinner, we got dressed up for no real reason and went out to our perennial favorite, Gingergrass .  Always a wait at that place, no matter what time or day you get there! Had champagne with blood orange and lychee, new zealand mussels with tarot fries, and (the best part!) vietnamese coffee ice cream. If you haven't tried the coffee ice cream there, DO! It's so good you want to lick the bowl.

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